Last updated 8 years ago.

Starsprinter the Explorer

Legends Forgotten
achievements 5545

100 Blood Elf Mage, Saurfang

Savagely Superior

Equip a superior item in every slot with a minimum item level of 608.


9 years ago

Arcane Sanctum

Defeat the bosses barring the way from the beach into the interior of the Arcane Sanctum in Highmaul.


9 years ago

I'm Your Number One Fan

Cheer a player on after they have won a brawl.


9 years ago

You Don't Have an Eternity (10 player)

Defeat Malygos in 6 minutes or less in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

A Poke in the Eye (10 player)

Defeat Malygos with fewer than 9 in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

The Spellweaver's Downfall (10 player)

Defeat Malygos in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Denyin' the Scion (10 player)

Deliver a killing blow to a Scion of Eternity while riding on a hover disk in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

The Dedicated Few (10 player)

Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas with less than 9 people in the zone in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

The Fall of Naxxramas (10 player)

Defeat every boss in Naxxramas in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

The Hundred Club (10 player)

Defeat Sapphiron in Naxxramas without any member of the raid having a frost resist value over 100 in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

And They Would All Go Down Together (10 player)

Defeat the 4 Horsemen in Naxxramas, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Shocking! (10 player)

Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid crossing the negative and positive charges in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Arachnophobia (10 player)

Defeat Maexxna in Naxxramas within 20 minutes of Anub'Rekhan's death in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

The Arachnid Quarter (10 player)

Defeat the bosses of The Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Momma Said Knock You Out (10 player)

Defeat Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas without dispelling or preventing frenzy in 10 player mode.


9 years ago