Last updated 8 years ago.

Azruel Ironbane

Endless Resonance
achievements 14370

100 Human Death Knight, Silvermoon

Hurry Up, Maggot!

Cause the Butcher in Highmaul to slay 6 Maggots before defeating him on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Flame On!

Defeat Kargath Bladefist in Highmaul without destroying any Fire Pillars on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Dragonmaw? More Like Dragonfall!

Kill 5 Emberscale Ironflight before defeating Warlord Zaela in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Bridge Over Troubled Fire

Kill 20 Ragewing Whelps in 10 seconds while fighting Ragewing the Untamed in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Is Draenor on Fire?

Defeat Gug'rokk without killing any Unstable Slag in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

A Gift of Earth and Fire

Defeat Magmolatus while Calamity and Ruination are still alive in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

The Iron Price

Collect 3 Pristine True Iron Ores and then defeat Gruul in Blackrock Foundry in Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Proving Yourself: Gold Damage

Successfully complete the Basic Damage (Gold) trial at the Proving Grounds.


9 years ago

Monster Mash

Successfully complete both of the following evolutions within the Lost Veil Anzu:


9 years ago

Arak Star

Complete the Spires of Arak bonus objectives listed below.


9 years ago

Platinum Defender

Successfully complete a garrison invasion with a Platinum rating.


9 years ago

Master Draenor Crafter

Craft 50 Epic items with an item level of at least 600.


9 years ago

The Steel Has Been Brought

Defeat Flamebender Ka'graz in Blackrock Foundry without killing Aknor Steelbringer on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Mythic: Twin Ogron

Defeat the Twin Ogron in Highmaul on Mythic difficulty.


9 years ago

Chapter III: The Foundry Falls

Complete Khadgar's legendary quests within the Blackrock Foundry until the Iron Horde is on the run!


9 years ago