Last updated 5 years ago.

Dataeth the Light of Dawn

just dont fail
achievements 11665

120 Dwarf Paladin, Ysera

Visions of Vashj'ir Past

Witness the 3 visions of the Naz'jar Battlemaiden in Vashj'ir.


6 years ago

My Item Level Is Higher than Yours

Raise a follower's item level to 625.


6 years ago

Working More Orders

Complete 250 Work Orders at your garrison.


6 years ago

Unearthing Uldum

Complete 105 quests in Uldum.


6 years ago

Conqueror of Orgrimmar

Defeat Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago


Kill 18 Kor'kron Warbringers with a single Iron Star and then defeat Garrosh in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago


Defeat the bosses within Garrosh's inner sanctum in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.


6 years ago

Lasers and Magnets and Drills! Oh My!

Defeat Siegecrafter Blackfuse without destroying each of the following weapons in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Giant Dinosaur vs. Mega Snail

Open the Thrice-Locked Cage during the Thok the Bloodthirsty encounter in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher, and then allow its inhabitant to feast upon Thok's corpse once you have defeated the encounter.


6 years ago

The Underhold

Defeat the bosses at the entrance to Garrosh's secret compound in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.


6 years ago

Criss Cross

Complete the Spoils of Pandaria encounter in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher without any raid member defeating both a Mantid and a Mogu enemy.


6 years ago

Unlimited Potential

Transform a Corrupted Skullsplitter into a Corrupted Amalgamation and then defeat Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Rescue Raiders

Rescue a set of caged prisoners, a group of unwilling combat participants, and Ji Firepaw before defeating the Kor'kron Dark Shaman in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Fire in the Hole!

Stomp on 6 superheated Crawler Mines and then defeat the Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

The Immortal Vanguard

Defeat Galakras without having allowed a single friendly NPC to perish in battle in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago