Last updated 4 years ago.

Zhinon the Insane

Rodelverein Tanaris
achievements 27715

120 Night Elf Demon Hunter, Aegwynn

Allied Races: Dark Iron Dwarf

Earn the allegiance of the Dark Iron dwarves and welcome them into the Alliance.


5 years ago

Three Sheets to the Wind

Acquire all of these Kul Tiran drinks.


5 years ago

Everything Old Is New Again

Find and return the following Order of Embers relics to their rightful place in Drustvar.


5 years ago

Drust the Facts, Ma'am

Find and read all of the following Drust Stele in Drustvar.


5 years ago

Cursed Game Hunter

Kill one of every type of cursed animal in Drustvar.


5 years ago

Shanty Raid

Find the Forbidden Sea Shanties of Tiragarde Sound.


5 years ago

Hoppin' Sad

Shoo the Lost Spawn of Krag'wa towards home in Nazmir.


5 years ago

Carved in Stone, Written in Blood

Study the history of the blood trolls by locating the following pictographs in Nazmir.


5 years ago

Dune Rider

Ride all of the rickety planks in Vol'dun


5 years ago

Flying Colors

Proud owner of the Alliance and Horde War Mantles and War Banners from the 2018 BlizzCon.


5 years ago

Don't Warfront Me

Collect any armor set from PvP Season 26 or the Arathi Warfront.


5 years ago

Leader of Troops

Recruit one of every troop type in the Battle for Stromgarde.


5 years ago

Unbound Monstrosities

Defeat the following monstrous creatures on Kul Tiras and Zandalar.


5 years ago

Battle for Azeroth Keymaster

Complete the following Battle for Azeroth dungeons using a Mythic Keystone:


5 years ago

You Gotta Keep 'em Separated

Defeat Xhul'horac in Hellfire Citadel without triggering any Shadowfel Annihilations on Normal difficulty or higher.


5 years ago