Last updated 5 years ago.

Aeteca Huntmaster

Mithril Knights
achievements 18425

120 Orc Hunter, Aggramar

9 G'huun kills (Heroic Uldir) 5 years ago
10 Mythrax the Unraveler kills (Heroic Uldir) 5 years ago
11 Zul, Reborn kills (Heroic Uldir) 5 years ago
Completed step of achievement Uldir Guild Run. 5 years ago
11 Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth kills (Heroic Uldir) 5 years ago
12 Vectis kills (Heroic Uldir) 5 years ago
12 Fetid Devourer kills (Heroic Uldir) 5 years ago
12 MOTHER kills (Heroic Uldir) 5 years ago
11 Taloc kills (Heroic Uldir) 5 years ago
Completed step Destroyer of achievement Ironsides. 5 years ago
Completed step Botani of achievement Impervious Defender. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Botani Invasion for 5 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren for 0 points. 5 years ago
5 Siamat kills (Heroic Lost City of the Tol'vir) 5 years ago