Last updated 4 years ago.


achievements 32020

120 Dwarf Mage, Ambossar

A Fish Out of Water

Kick fifteen Gasping Flounders back into the water then defeat Viq'Goth in the Siege of Boralus on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Stand by Me

Never let Dread Captain Lockwood leap away while she has the evasive aura before defeating her in the Siege of Boralus on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Ahead of the Curve: G'huun

Defeat G'huun in Uldir on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.


5 years ago

Mythic: Taloc

Defeat Taloc in Uldir on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

The Kul Tiran Menu

Cook 10 of the Kul Tiran recipes listed below.


5 years ago

Life Finds a Way... To Die!

Hunt down and kill a fearsome dinosaur of each species from the following list in Zuldazar and Nazmir.


5 years ago

WoW's 14th Anniversary

Logged in during WoW's 14th Anniversary.


5 years ago

Tour of War

Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde:


5 years ago

Azeroth at War: The Barrens

Complete the following missions listed below:


5 years ago

Flying Colors

Proud owner of the Alliance and Horde War Mantles and War Banners from the 2018 BlizzCon.


5 years ago

It's Really Getting Out of Hand

Become the Hand of Fate and complete the Nazmir world quest "Getting out of hand" in 20 seconds while not in a group.


5 years ago

What's in the Box?

Defeat Zek'voz in Uldir after exposing the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron to the Projection of Yogg-Saron on Normal difficulty or higher.


5 years ago

By de Power of de Loa!

Complete the Zuldazar world quest "Hundred Troll Holdout" without dropping any of the four totem buffs.


5 years ago

Don't Warfront Me

Collect any armor set from PvP Season 26 or the Arathi Warfront.


5 years ago

Kul Runnings

Complete all of the pengling sledding world quests on Kul Tiras.


5 years ago