Last updated 9 years ago.

Pàpie Patron

Forward Slash Cheer
achievements 17745

84 Blood Elf Priest, Anachronos

Earned the achievement Draenor Pathfinder for 25 points. 9 years ago
53 Loken kills (Heroic Halls of Lightning) 9 years ago
58 Gal'darah kills (Heroic Gundrak) 9 years ago
54 King Ymiron kills (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle) 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Hellbane for 10 points. 9 years ago
29 Herald Volazj kills (Heroic Ahn'kahet) 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Halls of Blood for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Hellbreach for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Naval Fleet for 5 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Naval Training Specialist for 5 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Jungle Hunter for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Explore Tanaan Jungle for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Poor Communication for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement The Toymaster for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Chapter III: The Foundry Falls for 25 points. 9 years ago