Last updated 6 years ago.

Strayn Huntmaster

achievements 28640

110 Human Hunter, Auchindoun

Looking For More

Use the Dungeon Finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 10 random players total.


1 decade ago

Make It Count

Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator's death.


1 decade ago

WoW's 5th Anniversary

Logged in during WoW's 5th Anniversary.


1 decade ago

Persistent Defender

Return 50 flags as a defender in Warsong Gulch.


1 decade ago

I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (25 player)

Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Orbital Bombardment (25 player)

Defeat Flame Leviathan with 1 Orbital Defense System active in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Orbital Devastation (25 player)

Defeat Flame Leviathan with 2 Orbital Defense Systems active in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Just Can't Get Enough (10 player)

Defeat Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas while killing at least 18 abominations in his chamber in 10 player mode.


1 decade ago

The Dedicated Few (10 player)

Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas with less than 9 people in the zone in 10-player mode.


1 decade ago

Spore Loser (10 player)

Defeat Loatheb in Naxxramas without killing any spores in 10-player mode.


1 decade ago

Subtraction (10 player)

Defeat Thaddius in Naxxramas with less than 9 players in 10-player mode.


1 decade ago

Frenzied Defender

Return 5 flags in a single Warsong Gulch battle.


1 decade ago

Shattered (25 player)

Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master after shattering 2 Iron Constructs within 5 seconds in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

A Quick Shave (25 player)

Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Call of the Crusade (25 player)

Defeat every boss in the Trial of the Crusader in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago