Last updated 4 years ago.

Kimy the Chosen

Fangs of Fenris
achievements 27095

120 Blood Elf Demon Hunter, Blackmoore

Black Rook Moan

Defeat Amalgam of Souls after killing a Frustrated Soul in Black Rook Hold on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Legion Medic

Obtain 800 skill points in first aid.


6 years ago

You Used to Scrawl Me In Your Fel Tome

Find all entries of Illysanna Ravencrest's diary in Black Rook Hold.


6 years ago

Mythic: Antoran High Command

Defeat the Antoran High Command in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Mythic: Hounds of Sargeras

Defeat the Hounds of Sargeras in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Salute to Starcraft

During the week of the 20th anniversary of Starcraft, which launched on March 31, 1998, /salute one of the following Starcraft-themed companion pets: Zergling, Grunty, Mini Thor, Baneling, or Zeradar.


6 years ago

Mythic: Garothi Worldbreaker

Defeat the Garothi Worldbreaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

10,000 World Quests Completed

Complete 10,000 World Quests.


6 years ago

Mythic: Gul'dan

Defeat Gul'dan in The Nighthold on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Mythic: Grand Magistrix Elisande

Defeat Grand Magistrix Elisande in The Nighthold on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Dropping Some Eaves

Witness the conversation between Advisor Melandrus and Grand Magistrix Elisande in Court of Stars on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Assume Command

Contribute to the Command Center on the Broken Shore 50 times.


6 years ago

Raiding with Leashes V: Cuteaclysm

Collect all of the battle pets listed below from Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, Throne of the Four Winds, Firelands, and Dragon Soul.


6 years ago

An Epic Campaign

Complete five different class Order Campaigns.


6 years ago

A Challenging Look

Complete an artifact challenge quest line and unlock a new appearance for your artifact weapon.


6 years ago