Last updated 5 years ago.

Kurok Esteemed

watashi wa
achievements 23630

120 Orc Hunter, Blackrock

Cataclysm Dungeon Hero

Complete the Cataclysm Heroic dungeon achievements listed below.


1 decade ago


Win a greed roll on a superior or better item above level 185 by rolling 100.


1 decade ago

Heroic: The Vortex Pinnacle

Defeat Asaad in the Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Heroic: Throne of the Tides

Defeat Ozumat in Throne of the Tides on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

I'm on a Boat (10 player)

Claim victory in the Gunship Battle without any raid member visiting the enemy gunship more than twice in 10-player mode.


1 decade ago

Boned (10 player)

Defeat Lord Marrowgar without any raid member remaining impaled for more than 8 seconds in 10-player mode.


1 decade ago

Heroic: Halls of Origination

Defeat Rajh in Halls of Origination on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Faster Than the Speed of Light

Complete the Vault of Lights within 5 minutes of entering in the Halls of Origination on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Heroic: The Stonecore

Defeat High Priestess Azil in the Stonecore on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Rotten to the Core

Defeat 60 Disciples within 10 seconds during the High Priestess Azil encounter in the Stonecore on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Heroic: Lost City of the Tol'vir

Defeat Siamat, Lord of the South Wind in the Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Don't Need to Break Eggs to Make an Omelet

Defeat Erudax without letting a Faceless Corruptor begin to cast Twilight Corruption on any of Alexstrasza's Eggs in Grim Batol on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Heroic: Grim Batol

Defeat Erudax in Grim Batol on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Looking For More

Use the Dungeon Finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 10 random players total.


1 decade ago


Equip a superior item in every slot with a minimum item level of 187.


1 decade ago