Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 21615

100 Undead Mage, Darksorrow

Earned the achievement Mythic: Iron Reaver for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Turning the Tide for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Nearly Indestructible for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Mythic: Hellfire Assault for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Save the Day for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Infused and Abused for 5 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Treasures of Highmountain for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Adventurer of Stormheim for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Adventurer of Suramar for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Adventurer of Highmountain for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement ...And Chew Mana Buns for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Claws Out for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Tough Threads for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement No Mercy for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement With a Vengeance for 10 points. 7 years ago