Last updated 8 years ago.

Rajiru the Butcher

achievements 16910

100 Worgen Warrior, Darksorrow

Earned the achievement Mythic: Iron Docks for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Mythic: Upper Blackrock Spire for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Mythic: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Mythic: Auchindoun for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Is Draenor on Fire? for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Nagrandeur for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Loremaster of Draenor for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Draenor Pathfinder for 25 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Don't Let the Tala-door Hit You on the Way Out for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Between Arak and a Hard Place for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Mantle of the Talon King for 0 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement As I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Moon for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement On the Shadow's Trail for 10 points. 8 years ago
Completed step Crashin' Thrashin' Flamer of achievement Iron Armada. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Securing Draenor for 10 points. 8 years ago