Last updated 7 years ago.

Trep Conqueror

achievements 12380

110 Blood Elf Monk, Defias Brotherhood

Mythic: The Everbloom

Defeat Yalnu in The Everbloom on Mythic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Grand Empress Shek'zeer

Defeat Grand Empress Shek'zeer in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Amber-Shaper Un'sok

Defeat Amber-Shaper Un'sok in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Wind Lord Mel'jarak

Defeat Wind Lord Mel'jarak in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Garalon

Defeat Garalon in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Blade Lord Ta'yak

Defeat Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Imperial Vizier Zor'lok

Defeat Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Genetically Unmodified Organism

Defeat Primordius in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any player receiving a harmful mutation.


7 years ago

Ahead of the Curve: The Black Gate

Defeat Archimonde on Heroic difficulty or higher, prior to the release of the next tier of content.


8 years ago

Time is a Flat Circle

Everything we have ever done or will do, we are going to do over and over and over again.


8 years ago

Heirloom Hoarder

Collect 35 Heirlooms.


8 years ago

Ling-Ting's Herbal Journey

Collect all 30 Golden Hoplings hidden around the Stormstout Brewery on any difficulty.


8 years ago

How Did He Get Up There?

Find a way to get the Hozen Clinger to let go in Stormstout Brewery on any difficulty.


8 years ago

Seeds of Doubt

Defeat the Sha of Doubt in Temple of the Jade Serpent while under the effect of 4 Seeds of Doubt on Heroic difficulty.


8 years ago

Divide and Conquer

Kill 5000 enemy players anywhere outside the Road of Glory within Ashran.


8 years ago