Last updated 8 years ago.


achievements 19380

100 Human Warlock, Doomhammer

Obtained Mage-Fury Girdle. 8 years ago
Obtained Robe of the Great Dark Beyond. 8 years ago
Completed step of achievement Admiral. 8 years ago
Obtained Grips of the Valiant Champion. 8 years ago
Obtained Staff of Divine Infusion. 8 years ago
1 Asaad kills (Heroic Vortex Pinnacle) 8 years ago
2 High Priestess Azil kills (Heroic Stonecore) 8 years ago
1 Siamat kills (Heroic Lost City of the Tol'vir) 8 years ago
1 Erudax kills (Heroic Grim Batol) 8 years ago
Completed step of achievement Admiral. 8 years ago
Obtained Sandals of the Insurgent. 8 years ago
Completed step Aquatic of achievement All Pets Allowed. 8 years ago
1 Skylord Tovra kills (Mythic Grimrail Depot) 8 years ago
Obtained Sootstained Felsworn Signet. 8 years ago
1 Skulloc kills (Mythic Iron Docks) 8 years ago