Last updated 8 years ago.


achievements 14070

100 Draenei Mage, Doomhammer

Keeping It Rare

Complete 50 Rare garrison missions.


9 years ago

Swallow Your Pride

Defeat the Sha of Pride in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher after no player has gained Pride from Manifestations of Pride while Norushen is alive.


9 years ago

Alone in the Darkness (10 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

One Light in the Darkness (10 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of one or fewer Keepers in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 player)

Complete the 10-player raid achievements listed below.


9 years ago

I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (10 player)

Defeat General Vezax after defeating the Saronite Animus in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Not-So-Friendly Fire (10 player)

Force Mimiron to kill an Assault Bot with a Rocket Strike in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Getting Back to Nature (10 player)

Defeat Freya while she is affected by 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Lose Your Illusion (10 player)

Defeat Thorim while Sif is present in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Siffed (10 player)

Force Thorim to enter the arena while Sif is present in 10-player mode.


9 years ago

Got My Mind On My Money

Loot 200,000 gold.


9 years ago

The Mind-Killer

Defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any raid members being feared by Dread Spray or Breath of Fear.


9 years ago

Heroic: Sha of Fear

Defeat the Sha of Fear in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Heroic: Lei Shi

Defeat Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Heroic: Tsulong

Defeat Tsulong in Terrace of Endless Spring on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago