Last updated 7 years ago.

Darlun Firelord

More Dakka
achievements 12760

100 Orc Warrior, Doomhammer

Earned the achievement Fight for the Alliance for 0 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Fight for the Horde for 0 points. 8 years ago
Obtained Discordant Chorus. 8 years ago
1 Fel Lord Zakuun kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
Completed step Fel Lord Zakuun of achievement Destructor's Rise. 8 years ago
Obtained Pauldrons of Iron Wrath. 8 years ago
2 Xhul'horac kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
Obtained Wristplate of the Wretched. 8 years ago
2 Shadow-Lord Iskar kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
Obtained Unending Hunger. 8 years ago
3 Gorefiend kills (Normal Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
3 Kilrogg Deadeye kills (Normal Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
Obtained Blazing Demonhilt Sword. 8 years ago
3 Hellfire High Council kills (Normal Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago
3 Kormrok kills (Normal Hellfire Citadel) 8 years ago