Last updated 6 years ago.

Kenith Battlelord

House of Proudmoore
achievements 14695

110 Human Warrior, Doomhammer

Sha of Fabulous

Collect any class armor set from the Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring.


7 years ago

And They Would All Go Down Together (25 player)

Defeat the 4 Horsemen in Naxxramas, ensuring that they all die within 15 seconds of each other in 25-player mode.


7 years ago

Glory of the Raider (25 player)

Complete the 25-player raid achievements listed below.


7 years ago

Got My Mind On My Money

Loot 50,000 gold.


7 years ago

Better Off Dred

Engage King Dred in Drak'Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty and slay 6 Drakkari Gutrippers or Drakkari Scytheclaw during his defeat.


7 years ago

Consumption Junction

Defeat Trollgore in Drak'Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty before Consume reaches ten stacks.


7 years ago

The Incredible Hulk

Force Svala Sorrowgrave to kill a Scourge Hulk on Heroic Difficulty in Utgarde Pinnacle.


7 years ago

Heroic: Utgarde Keep

Defeat the Utgarde Keep bosses on Heroic Difficulty.


7 years ago

25 Exalted Reputations

Raise 25 reputations to Exalted.


7 years ago

On The Rocks

Defeat Prince Keleseth in Utgarde Keep on Heroic Difficulty without shattering any Frost Tombs.


7 years ago

Tranquil Master

Purge Pandaria of Sha corruption, defeating each known manifestation of negative emotion.


7 years ago

Deceiver's Fall

Defeat Kil'jaeden in the Tomb of Sargeras.


7 years ago

Got My Mind On My Money

Loot 100,000 gold.


7 years ago

Chamber of the Avatar

Defeat the following bosses in the ancient vault beneath the Tomb of Sargeras.


7 years ago

Paragon of the Broken Isles

Earn 10 exalted supply rewards from any faction within the Broken Isles.


7 years ago