Last updated 4 years ago.

Flexilegs Esteemed

Bed and Breakfest
achievements 27810

120 Blood Elf Priest, Draenor

Educated Guesser

Obtain 10 stacks of Vested Interest in the Brawler's Guild.


5 years ago

Black Rook Moan

Defeat Amalgam of Souls after killing a Frustrated Soul in Black Rook Hold on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

You Used to Scrawl Me In Your Fel Tome

Find all entries of Illysanna Ravencrest's diary in Black Rook Hold.


5 years ago

Fain Would Lie Down

Defeat Beastlord Darmac in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher after causing him to mount each beast first:


5 years ago

Would You Give Me a Hand?

Defeat 10 Grasping Earth hands within 5 seconds and then defeat Kromog in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.


5 years ago

Field Medic

Complete all of the wounded npc quests across the Broken Isles.


6 years ago

Not So Fast

In Warsong Gulch, kill a player who is under the effects of the speed power-up.


6 years ago

Capture the Flag

Personally carry and capture the flag in Warsong Gulch.


6 years ago

Dine and Bash

Complete the Moroes encounter in Return to Karazhan after defeating all 4 dinner guests within 10 seconds of each other.


6 years ago

Dropping Some Eaves

Witness the conversation between Advisor Melandrus and Grand Magistrix Elisande in Court of Stars on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Seething Shore Victory

Win Seething Shore.


6 years ago

Death from Above

Slay an enemy within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore.


6 years ago

Outlandish Style

Collect any class armor set from Gruul's Lair, Karazhan, and Magtheridon's Lair.


6 years ago

Family Fighter

Complete the following achievements.


6 years ago

Draconic Destruction

Defeat the corrupted pets of Argus with all Dragonkin pets.


6 years ago