Last updated 5 years ago.

Archibald the Undaunted

achievements 22760

120 Worgen Hunter, Dun Modr

90 Blood Queen Lana'thel kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 5 years ago
89 Blood Prince Council kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 5 years ago
90 Professor Putricide kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 5 years ago
90 Festergut kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 5 years ago
90 Rotface kills (Heroic Icecrown 25 player) 5 years ago
Completed step of achievement Saving for a Rainy Day. 6 years ago
82 Nalak kills 6 years ago
55 Salyis's Warband kills (Valley of the Four Winds) 6 years ago
79 Sha of Anger kills (Kun-Lai Summit) 6 years ago
Obtained Hakkari Loa Drape. 6 years ago
Earned the achievement Kul Tirans Don't Look at Explosions for 10 points. 6 years ago
Completed step of achievement Saving for a Rainy Day. 6 years ago
Earned the achievement Ready for War for 10 points. 6 years ago
Earned the achievement Explore Nazmir for 10 points. 6 years ago
Earned the achievement Wide World of Quests for 10 points. 6 years ago