Last updated 6 years ago.

Teodoria High Priest

Knights of the Ancients
achievements 25485

110 Human Priest, Emerald Dream

Earned the achievement Extreme Makeover: Fel Edition for 10 points. 6 years ago
5 Mistress Sassz'ine kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras) 6 years ago
4 Harjatan kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras) 6 years ago
4 Goroth kills (Raid Finder Tomb of Sargeras) 6 years ago
Obtained Ancient Imbued Silkweave Armor. 6 years ago
Obtained Seal of the Deceiver. 6 years ago
1 Xavius kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare) 6 years ago
1 Cenarius redemptions (Normal Emerald Nightmare) 6 years ago
1 Il'gynoth kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare) 6 years ago
1 Elerethe Renferal kills (Normal Emerald Nightmare) 6 years ago