Last updated 4 years ago.

Elarisiel Demonslayer

Kings Of Blood
achievements 24010

120 Night Elf Demon Hunter, Kilrogg

Utgarde Pinnacle

Defeat the bosses in Utgarde Pinnacle.


1 decade ago

Make It Count

Defeat Ley-Guardian Eregos in The Oculus on Heroic Difficulty within 20 minutes of Drakos the Interrogator's death.


1 decade ago

Heroic: The Oculus

Defeat The Oculus bosses on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

The Oculus

Defeat the bosses in The Oculus.


1 decade ago

The Culling of Time

Defeat the Infinite Corruptor in The Culling of Stratholme on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Explore Nagrand

Explore Nagrand, revealing the covered areas of the world map.


1 decade ago

Explore Dustwallow Marsh

Explore Dustwallow Marsh, revealing the covered areas of the world map.


1 decade ago

Save the Day

Kill the enemy who is carrying your flag in the opposing team's flag room while the opposing team's flag is at their base, within their control.


1 decade ago

Heroic: Halls of Stone

Defeat the boss encounters in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Halls of Stone

Defeat the boss encounters in Halls of Stone.


1 decade ago

Timely Death

Defeat Loken in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less.


1 decade ago

Heroic: Halls of Lightning

Defeat the Halls of Lightning bosses on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Shatter Resistant

Defeat Volkhan in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty without allowing him to shatter more than 4 Brittle Golems.


1 decade ago

Lightning Struck

Defeat General Bjarngrim in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty while he has a Temporary Electrical Charge.


1 decade ago

Professional Artisan

Obtain 300 skill points in a profession.


1 decade ago