Last updated 5 years ago.

Faildot Lord of the Reins

Steampunk Pirates
achievements 22380

120 Nightborne Warlock, Ragnaros

1 Twin Ogron kills (Heroic Highmaul) 5 years ago
1 Tectus kills (Heroic Highmaul) 5 years ago
1 Brackenspore kills (Heroic Highmaul) 5 years ago
1 The Butcher kills (Heroic Highmaul) 5 years ago
1 Kargath Bladefist defeats (Heroic Highmaul) 5 years ago
Obtained Sargerei Manifesto. 5 years ago
6 Beastlord Darmac kills (Mythic Blackrock Foundry) 5 years ago
9 Ultraxion Heroic kills (Dragon Soul) 5 years ago
9 Hagara the Stormbinder Heroic kills (Dragon Soul) 5 years ago
9 Yor'sahj the Unsleeping Heroic kills (Dragon Soul) 5 years ago
9 Warlord Zon'ozz Heroic kills (Dragon Soul) 5 years ago
9 Morchok Heroic kills (Dragon Soul) 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Yaass'shaarj for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Fangs of the Father for 0 points. 5 years ago
21 Odyn defeats (Mythic Halls of Valor) 5 years ago