Last updated 6 years ago.

Amánia Loremaster

achievements 24430

120 Night Elf Priest, Silvermoon

Sky Walker

Defeat the Maiden of Vigilance in Tomb of Sargeras having captured every Titanic Anomaly on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Great Soul, Great Purpose

Defeat The Desolate Host in Tomb of Sargeras while keeping the Diminishing Soul from perishing on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Wax On, Wax Off

Defeat a Waxing Twilight Soul and then defeat the Sisters of the Moon in Tomb of Sargeras on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Five Course Seafood Buffet

Defeat Mistress Sass'zine in Tomb of Sargeras after feeding the following items to Sarukel on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Grin and Bear It

Defeat the Demonic Inquisition in Tomb of Sargeras while every party member is at maximum Torment on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

A Demidos of Reality

Defeat Demidos, Devourer of Lights in Socrethar's Rise.


6 years ago

Have... Have We Met?

Acknowledge your recognition by /waving at the following NPCs in Sethria's Roost.


6 years ago

Master of the Molten Flow

Complete the following challenges within the Molten Flow.


6 years ago

Master Defender

Earn a Gold rating in each max-level invasion.


6 years ago

Goren Invasion

Successfully complete a Goren garrison invasion.


6 years ago

Save Those Buildings!

Complete the invasions listed below without letting any buildings get destroyed.


6 years ago

Argussy Up

Collect any class armor set from Antorus, the Burning Throne.


6 years ago

Glory of the Legion Raider

Complete the Legion raid achievements listed below.


6 years ago

A Change In Scenery

Engage and defeat Spellblade Aluriel in the following areas of The Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher. She must reach her destination within 120 seconds of entering combat and remain there until defeated:


6 years ago

I've Got My Eyes On You

Defeat Gul'dan in The Nighthold on Normal difficulty or higher, after defeating 16 Eyes of Gul'dan within 3 seconds.


6 years ago