Last updated 7 years ago.

Huangze Grandmaster

Reborn Legends
achievements 12195

110 Pandaren Monk, Silvermoon

Heroic: Omnotron Defense System

Defeat the Omnotron Defense System in Blackwing Descent on Heroic Difficulty.


9 years ago

Bucket List

During a single engagement, bring Shannox to each of the following locations in the Firelands before dispatching him:


9 years ago

Not an Ambi-Turner

Defeat Lord Rhyolith in the Firelands without ever causing him to turn left while his armor is intact.


9 years ago

Vigorous VanCleef Vindicator

Engage Vanessa VanCleef within 5 minutes of being inflicted with the Nightmare Elixir in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.


9 years ago

Ready for Raiding

Do not get hit by Fire Wall in the Glubtok encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.


9 years ago

The Abyss Will Gaze Back Into You

Defeat Cho'gall in the Bastion of Twilight before any raid member earns more than 30% Corrupted Blood.


9 years ago

The Bastion of Twilight

Defeat the bosses in the Bastion of Twilight.


9 years ago

One Light in the Darkness (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of one or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode.


9 years ago

Two Lights in the Darkness (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of two or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode.


9 years ago

Glory of the Ulduar Raider (25 player)

Complete the 25-player raid achievements listed below.


9 years ago

Shadowdodger (25 player)

Defeat General Vezax without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash in 25-player mode.


9 years ago

I Choose You, Steelbreaker (25 player)

Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Steelbreaker as the last member alive in 25-player mode.


9 years ago

Three Lights in the Darkness (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of three or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode.


9 years ago

He's Not Getting Any Older (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron within 7 minutes in 25-player mode.


9 years ago

Drive Me Crazy (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron without any raid member going insane in 25-player mode.


9 years ago