Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 20625

64 Night Elf Druid, Silvermoon

Expert Timing

Slay 4 Ogron Laborers that are not in combat using a single Iron Star in Iron Docks on Heroic Difficulty.


9 years ago

Master of Apexis

Collect 100,000 Apexis Crystals.


9 years ago

History of Violence

Unearth all the ancient ogre relics within Broken Precipice.


9 years ago

Water Management

Defeat Witherbark without allowing him to replenish any of his Aqueous Energy in The Everbloom on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

There's Always a Bigger Train

Engineer the ironic demise of an Exulting Wind-Up Train Wrecker in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

He Shoots, He Ores

Deposit the Volatile Ore in the Ore Grinder, and then defeat Oregorger in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

The Iron Price

Collect 3 Pristine True Iron Ores and then defeat Gruul in Blackrock Foundry in Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Stamp Stamp Revolution

Defeat Hans'gar and Franzok in Blackrock Foundry without any raid member being crushed by a stamping press on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Heroic: Ra-den

Defeat Ra-den in Throne of Thunder.


9 years ago

Upper Blackrock Spire: Silver

Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode with a rating of Silver or better.


9 years ago

Upper Blackrock Spire: Bronze

Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode with a rating of Bronze or better.


9 years ago

Upper Blackrock Spire Challenger

Complete the Upper Blackrock Spire Challenge Mode.


9 years ago

Lineage of Power

Empower and defeat a Fortified Replicating Gorian Warmage and then defeat Imperator Mar'gok in Highmaul on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Fain Would Lie Down

Defeat Beastlord Darmac in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher after causing him to mount each beast first:


9 years ago

Savage Hero

Defeat the following Draenor dungeon and raid bosses on Heroic difficulty or higher.


9 years ago