Last updated 6 years ago.

Starboy Slayer

achievements 5805

110 Blood Elf Demon Hunter, The Venture Co

Completed step Kargath Bladefist of achievement The Walled City. 6 years ago
1 Kargath Bladefist defeats (Mythic Highmaul) 6 years ago
Earned the achievement Flame On! for 10 points. 6 years ago
Earned the achievement Mythic: Kargath Bladefist for 10 points. 6 years ago
Obtained Ferocious Gladiator's Ring. 6 years ago
1 Goroth kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras) 6 years ago
Earned the achievement The Gates of Hell for 10 points. 6 years ago
Obtained Mythic Keystone. 6 years ago
4 Cordana Felsong kills (Mythic Vault of the Wardens) 6 years ago
Completed step Death Knight of achievement Human Slayer. 6 years ago
Completed step Death Knight of achievement Gnome Slayer. 6 years ago