Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 23900

110 Night Elf Demon Hunter, Turalyon

They Burn, Burn, Burn

Successfully jump over 5 of Archmage Sol's Firebloom explosion rings within 5 seconds in The Everbloom on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Water Management

Defeat Witherbark without allowing him to replenish any of his Aqueous Energy in The Everbloom on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Bridge Over Troubled Fire

Kill 20 Ragewing Whelps in 10 seconds while fighting Ragewing the Untamed in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Would You Give Me a Hand?

Defeat 10 Grasping Earth hands within 5 seconds and then defeat Kromog in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Master of Apexis

Collect 100,000 Apexis Crystals.


9 years ago

Savage Hero

Defeat the following Draenor dungeon and raid bosses on Heroic difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Ahead of the Curve: Blackhand's Crucible

Defeat Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry on Heroic difficulty or higher, prior to the release of the next tier of raid content.


9 years ago

Item Level Force

Raise 20 followers' item level to 650.


9 years ago

Grand Treasure Hunter

Discover 200 treasures of Draenor.


9 years ago

Explore Spires of Arak

Explore Spires of Arak, revealing the covered areas of the world map.


9 years ago

Explore Draenor

Explore the regions of Draenor.


9 years ago

Mantle of the Talon King

Complete the Terokk's Legacy storyline and earn Exalted status with the Arakkoa Outcasts.


9 years ago

In His House He Waits Dreaming (25 player)

Experience all 3 visions of Yogg-Saron's mind in 25-player mode.


9 years ago

There's Always a Bigger Train

Engineer the ironic demise of an Exulting Wind-Up Train Wrecker in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

He Shoots, He Ores

Deposit the Volatile Ore in the Ore Grinder, and then defeat Oregorger in Blackrock Foundry on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago