Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 21170

110 Lightforged Draenei Paladin, Turalyon

1 Socrethar the Eternal kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Xhul'horac kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Shadow-Lord Iskar kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Gorefiend kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Kilrogg Deadeye kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Hellfire High Council kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Kormrok kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Iron Reaver kills (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Hellfire Assault victories (Heroic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Archimonde kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Mannoroth kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Tyrant Velhari kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Socrethar the Eternal kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Xhul'horac kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
1 Fel Lord Zakuun kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago