Last updated 6 years ago.

Rilcaz Bloodsail Admiral

achievements 17665

120 Human Death Knight, Turalyon

The Iron Price

Collect 3 Pristine True Iron Ores and then defeat Gruul in Blackrock Foundry in Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Lineage of Power

Empower and defeat a Fortified Replicating Gorian Warmage and then defeat Imperator Mar'gok in Highmaul on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Brothers in Arms

Defeat the Twin Ogron in Highmaul without their Disposition ever exceeding 30% on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

More Like Wrecked-us

Defeat Tectus in Highmaul by destroying all eight Motes of Tectus within 10 seconds of each other on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

A Fungus Among Us

Gain 15 stacks of Burning Infusion and then defeat Brackenspore in Highmaul on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Hurry Up, Maggot!

Cause the Butcher in Highmaul to slay 6 Maggots before defeating him on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Flame On!

Defeat Kargath Bladefist in Highmaul without destroying any Fire Pillars on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Mythic: Hellfire Assault

Complete the Hellfire Assault encounter in Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty.


9 years ago

Demon's Souls

Defeat Azzakel in Auchindoun on Heroic difficulty without killing any other demons during the encounter.


9 years ago

Less Than Three

Defeat Wind Lord Mel'jarak without crowd-controlling more than 2 of his swarm at once on Normal or Heroic difficulty in Heart of Fear.


9 years ago

Proving Yourself: Gold Healer

Successfully complete the Basic Healer (Gold) trial at the Proving Grounds.


9 years ago

Proving Yourself: Silver Healer

Successfully complete the Basic Healer (Silver) trial at the Proving Grounds.


9 years ago

Proving Yourself: Bronze Healer

Successfully complete the Basic Healer (Bronze) trial at the Proving Grounds.


9 years ago

Collector's Edition: Illidari Felstalker

Owner of the Legion Collector's Edition Illidari Felstalker mount.


9 years ago

Collector's Edition: Nibbles

Owner of the Legion Collector's Edition felstalker pet, Nibbles.


9 years ago