Last updated 7 years ago.

Tyrone Brawler

Ironforge Outlaws
achievements 19020

110 Night Elf Hunter, Turalyon


Collect any class armor set from Throne of Thunder.


7 years ago

Moon Guard

Engage the Echo of Tyrande in End Time on Heroic Difficulty after surviving her Shadow Gauntlet without allowing the party's healer to take any damage.


7 years ago

Vigorous VanCleef Vindicator

Engage Vanessa VanCleef within 5 minutes of being inflicted with the Nightmare Elixir in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.


7 years ago

Ready for Raiding

Do not get hit by Fire Wall in the Glubtok encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.


7 years ago

Adventurer of Highmountain

Complete the following special encounters in Highmountain.


7 years ago

Treasures of Highmountain

Discover 40 treasures in Highmountain.


7 years ago

Glory of the Draenor Hero

Complete the Draenor Heroic dungeon achievements listed below.


7 years ago

A Gift of Earth and Fire

Defeat Magmolatus while Calamity and Ruination are still alive in Bloodmaul Slag Mines on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

No Ticket

Defeat Nitrogg Thundertower after abruptly removing 20 enemies from the Grimrail in Grimrail Depot on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Defeat Railmaster Rocketspark and Borka the Brute after destroying all of the Priceless Paraphernalia in Grimrail Depot on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago


Assist Leeroy Jenkins in recovering his Devout shoulders in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Dragonmaw? More Like Dragonfall!

Kill 5 Emberscale Ironflight before defeating Warlord Zaela in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Bridge Over Troubled Fire

Kill 20 Ragewing Whelps in 10 seconds while fighting Ragewing the Untamed in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Magnets, How Do They Work?

Defeat Orebender Gor'ashan without allowing him to cast Thundering Cacophony 4 times in Upper Blackrock Spire on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin' From the Sunwell

Collect all of the battle pets listed below from Black Temple, Hyjal Summit, and the Sunwell.


7 years ago