Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 21100

110 Night Elf Druid, Turalyon

7 Fel Lord Zakuun kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
7 Xhul'horac kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
7 Shadow-Lord Iskar kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
8 Kilrogg Deadeye kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
8 Hellfire High Council kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
8 Kormrok kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
8 Iron Reaver kills (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
8 Hellfire Assault victories (Mythic Hellfire Citadel) 6 years ago
5 Kil'jaeden kills (Heroic Tomb of Sargeras) 6 years ago
Obtained Mac'Aree Seal of Nobility. 6 years ago
3 Kin'garoth kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
3 Imonar the Soulhunter kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
Obtained Portal Keeper's Cincture. 6 years ago
3 Portal Keeper Hasabel kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
3 Eonar defenses (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago