Last updated 6 years ago.

Janys Vengeance Incarnate

achievements 12215

110 Troll Priest, Twisting Nether

3 Maloriak Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent) 6 years ago
3 Atramedes Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent) 6 years ago
3 Chimaeron Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent) 6 years ago
3 Magmaw Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent) 6 years ago
3 Omnotron Heroic kills (Blackwing Descent) 6 years ago
3 Sinestra Heroic kills (Bastion of Twilight) 6 years ago
3 Cho'gall Heroic kills (Bastion of Twilight) 6 years ago
3 Ascendant Council Heroic kills (Bastion of Twilight) 6 years ago
Earned the achievement Elementary for 10 points. 6 years ago
3 Valiona and Theralion Heroic kills (Bastion of Twilight) 6 years ago
3 Halfus Wyrmbreaker Heroic kills (Bastion of Twilight) 6 years ago
Completed step of achievement Master Pandaria Crafter. 6 years ago
64 Advisor Vandros kills (Mythic Arcway) 6 years ago
17 Eonar defenses (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago
17 Portal Keeper Hasabel kills (Heroic Antorus, the Burning Throne) 6 years ago