Last updated 5 years ago.

Powerschlong Blood Champion

achievements 18085

100 Tauren Death Knight, Bleeding Hollow

Earned the achievement Working Many Orders for 5 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Proving Yourself: Endless Healer (Wave 30) for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Zen Master Fisherman for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Proving Yourself: Endless Healer (Wave 20) for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Proving Yourself: Endless Healer (Wave 10) for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Gorgrond Monster Hunter for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Take Cover! for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Defender of Draenor for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement High-value Targets for 10 points. 8 years ago
Earned the achievement The Garrison Campaign for 10 points. 8 years ago
19 Gal'darah kills (Heroic Gundrak) 8 years ago
21 Loken kills (Heroic Halls of Lightning) 8 years ago
22 Herald Volazj kills (Heroic Ahn'kahet) 8 years ago
22 Keristrasza kills (Heroic Nexus) 8 years ago
Earned the achievement Tons of Toys for 10 points. 8 years ago