Last updated 9 years ago.

Silarti of the Nightfall

Borrowed Time
achievements 12055

100 Undead Rogue, Bleeding Hollow

What was Briefly Yours is Now Mine

Find 10 rare artifacts.


1 decade ago

Cage Match

Defeat the Council of Elders in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any creature leaving the center rings.


1 decade ago

Straight Six

Deactivate six Empyreal Focuses within 10 seconds of each other, and then defeat Elegon in Mogu'shan Vaults on Normal or Heroic difficulty.


1 decade ago

Must Love Dogs

Defeat the Stone Guard in Mogu'shan Vaults on Normal or Heroic difficulty while every member of your raid is accompanied by a canine companion pet.


1 decade ago

The Four Celestials

Discover the following artifacts of the Celestials.


1 decade ago

Alone in the Darkness (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

One Light in the Darkness (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of one or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Two Lights in the Darkness (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of two or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Drive Me Crazy (25 player)

Defeat Yogg-Saron without any raid member going insane in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Shadowdodger (25 player)

Defeat General Vezax without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Getting Cold in Here (25 player)

Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Disarmed (25 player)

Destroy both of Kologarn's arms and then Kologarn himself within 12 seconds in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

A Quick Shave (25 player)

Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

Fungal Frenzy

Suffer the effects of a Poolstool, Shuffletruffle, Shrinkshroom and Trapcap simultaneously.


1 decade ago

Once Bitten, Twice Shy (25 player)

Defeat Blood-Queen Lana'thel once as a vampire and again without becoming a vampire in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago