Last updated 4 years ago.

Atryl Servant of N'Zoth

Windspear Clan
achievements 23865

120 Monk, Cenarius

Drust the Facts, Ma'am

Find and read all of the following Drust Stele in Drustvar.


4 years ago

How to Train Your Direhorn

Complete the following quests to raise your direhorn from hatchling to mount at Warbeast Kraal in Zuldazar.


4 years ago

Must Love Dogs

Defeat the Stone Guard in Mogu'shan Vaults on Normal or Heroic difficulty while every member of your raid is accompanied by a canine companion pet.


5 years ago

Toybox Tycoon

Collect 400 toys.


5 years ago

Combatant: Battle for Azeroth Season 3

Earn the rank of Combatant during Battle for Azeroth Season 3.


5 years ago

Go Ahead, Make My Daisy

Defeat the Machinist's Garden in Operation: Mechagon without being struck by "Hidden" Flame Cannon, Self-Trimming Hedges, Discom-BOMB-ulator, or Roaring Flame on Mythic Difficulty.


5 years ago

Seething Shore Victory

Win Seething Shore.


5 years ago

Mythic: Kil'jaeden

Defeat Kil'jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Heroic: Tour of War

Defeat the following enemy commanders in the Battle for Stromgarde on heroic difficulty:


5 years ago

A Horde of Hoofbeats

Obtain 400 mounts (usable by a single character).


5 years ago

Season Tickets

Complete each of the following Opera Hall plays in Return to Karazhan:


5 years ago

Under the Seams

Collect an armor set from The Eternal Palace.


5 years ago

Never Lose, Never Choose To

Collect any armor set from Battle for Azeroth PvP Season 3.


5 years ago

Head Financier of Mechagon

Contribute to construction projects in Mechagon 1,000 times.


5 years ago

Battlefield Brawler

Gather 15,000 Honor from PVP Island Expeditions, Brawls, Battlegrounds and Epic Battlegrounds.


5 years ago