Last updated 6 years ago.


achievements 7710

110 Orc Monk, Chromaggus

More Like Win-dictive

Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 19 or 20.


7 years ago

Untamed Beauty

Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 16.


7 years ago

The Twilight Zone (25 player)

With all three Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.


7 years ago

Twilight Duo (25 player)

With at least two Twilight Drakes still alive, engage and defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian in 25-player mode.


7 years ago

Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (25 player)

Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian without getting hit by Lava Strike in 25-player mode.


7 years ago

Ready for Raiding

Do not get hit by Fire Wall in the Glubtok encounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.


7 years ago

Going Up

Ascend to the top of Nashal's Watch in Stormheim.


7 years ago

Heroic: Lost City of the Tol'vir

Defeat Siamat, Lord of the South Wind in the Lost City of the Tol'vir on Heroic Difficulty.


7 years ago

Don't Need to Break Eggs to Make an Omelet

Defeat Erudax without letting a Faceless Corruptor begin to cast Twilight Corruption on any of Alexstrasza's Eggs in Grim Batol on Heroic Difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Grim Batol

Defeat Erudax in Grim Batol on Heroic Difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: The Vortex Pinnacle

Defeat Asaad in the Vortex Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty.


7 years ago

Pinnacle of Storms

Defeat the bosses in Lei Shen's inner sanctum within the Throne of Thunder.


7 years ago

From Dusk 'til Dawn

Defeat Lu'lin before Suen falls below 30% health, and then defeat Suen in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Can't Touch This

Survive the Iron Qon fight in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without getting hit by any of the following abilities:


7 years ago

Halls of Flesh-Shaping

Defeat the bosses in the befouled chambers beneath the Throne of Thunder.


7 years ago