Last updated 9 years ago.

Trixbee the Love Fool

achievements 20965

110 Draenei Mage, Eonar

10000 Honorable Kills

Get 10000 honorable kills.


1 decade ago

Deepwind Gorge Victory

Win Deepwind Gorge.


1 decade ago

Save the Day

Kill the enemy who is carrying your flag in the opposing team's flag room while the opposing team's flag is at their base, within their control.


1 decade ago

Glory of the Firelands Raider

Complete the Firelands raid achievements listed below.


1 decade ago

Only the Penitent...

Activate both of Fandral's Flames at once in Firelands without any raid member getting hit by Kneel to the Flame!


1 decade ago

Do a Barrel Roll!

Defeat Alysrazor in the Firelands without any raid member getting hit by the following attacks.


1 decade ago

Not an Ambi-Turner

Defeat Lord Rhyolith in the Firelands without ever causing him to turn left while his armor is intact.


1 decade ago

Death from Above

Only kill Cinderweb Drones while they are atop the web canopy during the Beth'tilac encounter in Firelands.


1 decade ago

Bucket List

During a single engagement, bring Shannox to each of the following locations in the Firelands before dispatching him:


1 decade ago

She Deep Breaths More (25 player)

Defeat Onyxia without anyone taking damage from a Deep Breath in 25-player mode.


1 decade ago

World Wide Winner

Win a ranked arena match in Blade's Edge, Nagrand, Dalaran Sewers, the Ruins of Lordaeron, Tol'Viron Arena and the Tiger's Peak.


1 decade ago

Rumbles of Thunder

Discover each of the lore objects in Pandaria that tell of Lei-Shen, the Thunder King.


1 decade ago

Gods and Monsters

Discover each of the lore objects in Pandaria that tell of the dark origins of the mogu.


1 decade ago

The Zandalari Prophecy

Discover each of the lore objects in Pandaria that tell of the Zandalari and their dark prophecy.


1 decade ago

Sworn to the Deathsworn

Earn Exalted status with the Ashtongue Deathsworn.


1 decade ago