Last updated 5 years ago.

Sxul Headmistress

Cute Traps
achievements 11480

120 Human Rogue, Frostmourne

Earned the achievement Mythic: Vectis for 10 points. 5 years ago
1 Xavius kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
1 Cenarius redemptions (Mythic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
1 Il'gynoth kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
1 Elerethe Renferal kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
1 Dragons of Nightmare kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
1 Ursoc kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
1 Nythendra kills (Mythic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
5 Xavius kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
5 Cenarius redemptions (Heroic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
5 Dragons of Nightmare kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
6 Nythendra kills (Heroic Emerald Nightmare) 5 years ago
Obtained Rot-Scour Ring. 5 years ago
Completed step Honorable Kill of achievement Band of Brothers. 5 years ago
Completed step Hunter of achievement Troll Slayer. 5 years ago