Last updated 6 years ago.
achievements 16020

100 Pandaren Warrior, Garithos

Four Square

Hold all four Orbs of Power at least once in a single Temple of Kotmogu battle.


8 years ago

Rift of Aln

Defeat Xavius in The Emerald Nightmare.


8 years ago

Explore Highmountain

Explore Highmountain, revealing the covered areas of the world map.


8 years ago

Heroic: Halls of Valor

Defeat Odyn in Halls of Valor on Heroic difficulty or higher.


8 years ago

Mythic: Black Rook Hold

Defeat Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest in Black Rook Hold on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago

Mythic: Garrosh Hellscream

Defeat Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago

Mythic: Paragons of the Klaxxi

Defeat the Klaxxi Paragons in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago

Mythic: Spoils of Pandaria

Complete the Spoils of Pandaria event in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago

Lasers and Magnets and Drills! Oh My!

Defeat Siegecrafter Blackfuse without destroying each of the following weapons in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


8 years ago

Mythic: Siegecrafter Blackfuse

Defeat Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago

Mythic: Malkorok

Defeat Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago

Mythic: General Nazgrim

Defeat General Nazgrim in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic difficulty.


8 years ago

Mythic: Kor'kron Dark Shaman

Defeat the Kor'kron Dark Shaman in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago

Rescue Raiders

Rescue a set of caged prisoners, a group of unwilling combat participants, and Ji Firepaw before defeating the Kor'kron Dark Shaman in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


8 years ago

Mythic: Iron Juggernaut

Defeat the Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


8 years ago