Last updated 8 years ago.

Xavvi the Light of Dawn

achievements 6535

100 Draenei Shaman, Garona

Lightning Struck

Defeat General Bjarngrim in the Halls of Lightning on Heroic Difficulty while he has a Temporary Electrical Charge.


1 decade ago

Looking For More

Use the Dungeon Finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 10 random players total.


1 decade ago

King's Bane

Defeat King Ymiron in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty without anyone in the party triggering Bane.


1 decade ago

My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time

Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty after having killed Grauf from 100% to dead in a single pass.


1 decade ago

Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi

Defeat Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic Difficulty within 3 minutes of starting the gauntlet event.


1 decade ago

Heroic: The Forge of Souls

Defeat the bosses in The Forge of Souls on Heroic Difficulty


1 decade ago

The Forge of Souls

Defeat the bosses in The Forge of Souls


1 decade ago

Heroic: Trial of the Champion

Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Trial of the Champion

Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion.


1 decade ago

Know Thy Enemy

Get an honorable, killing blow on seven different races.


1 decade ago

I've Had Worse

Defeat the Black Knight in the Trial of the Champion on Heroic Difficulty without any player in the group being hit by a ghoul explosion.


1 decade ago

Argent Aspiration

Train to compete in the Argent Tournament by becoming an Aspirant for your race's faction.


1 decade ago

Going Down?

Fall 65 yards without dying.


1 decade ago

Heroic: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom

Defeat the Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom bosses on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago

Heroic: Azjol-Nerub

Defeat the Azjol-Nerub bosses on Heroic Difficulty.


1 decade ago