Last updated 5 years ago.


achievements 9460

110 Orc Shaman, Nathrezim

Heroic: Megaera

Defeat Megaera in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Tortos

Defeat Tortos in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Council of Elders

Defeat the Council of Elders in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Horridon

Defeat Horridon in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Heroic: Jin'rokh the Breaker

Defeat Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder on Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Stormy Assassin

In a single Eye of the Storm battle, get 5 honorable kills at each of the bases.


7 years ago

Scare Bear

Defeat Ursoc in The Emerald Nightmare while keeping Tur Ragepaw alive on Normal difficulty or higher.


7 years ago

You're Just Making It WORSE!

Defeat Millificent Manastorm after she becomes very cross with you in Assault on Violet Hold on Mythic difficulty.


7 years ago

Clean House

Defeat Corstilax without any pools of Nightwell Energy expiring in the Arcway on Mythic difficulty.


7 years ago

Mine Mine Mine!

Kill 250 enemies while you are defending a mine cart.


7 years ago

Pinnacle of Storms

Defeat the bosses in Lei Shen's inner sanctum within the Throne of Thunder.


7 years ago

From Dusk 'til Dawn

Defeat Lu'lin before Suen falls below 30% health, and then defeat Suen in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty.


7 years ago

Can't Touch This

Survive the Iron Qon fight in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without getting hit by any of the following abilities:


7 years ago

Halls of Flesh-Shaping

Defeat the bosses in the befouled chambers beneath the Throne of Thunder.


7 years ago

Genetically Unmodified Organism

Defeat Primordius in Throne of Thunder on Normal or Heroic difficulty without any player receiving a harmful mutation.


7 years ago