Last updated 5 years ago.


achievements 3795

70 Undead Rogue, Ner'zhul

Earned the achievement Heroic: Magmaw for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Parasite Evening for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Molten Core for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Deepwind Gorge Victory for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Silvershard Mines Victory for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Five for Five for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Fashionista: Chest for 5 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Fashionista: Hand for 5 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Fighting with Style: Classic for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Training the Troops for 5 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Many Missions for 5 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement That's Val'sharah Folks! for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Call of the Grand Crusade (10 player) for 10 points. 5 years ago
Earned the achievement Plenty of Pets for 10 points. 5 years ago
Completed step Dreadmaw of achievement Raiding with Leashes IV: Wrath of the Lick King. 5 years ago