Last updated 4 years ago.

Faceerolled Bloodsail Admiral

achievements 11045

120 Dwarf Shaman, Sargeras

Brothers in Arms

Defeat the Twin Ogron in Highmaul without their Disposition ever exceeding 30% on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

More Like Wrecked-us

Defeat Tectus in Highmaul by destroying all eight Motes of Tectus within 10 seconds of each other on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden

Defeat Kil'jaeden in Tomb of Sargeras on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the opening of the next raid tier.


6 years ago

Fledgling Hero of Warcraft

Raise your character's level to 20.


6 years ago

Heirloom Hoarder

Collect 35 Heirlooms.


6 years ago

Master of Shadows

Defeat Mephistroth within the Cathedral of Eternal Night after blocking 20 Shadow Blasts with the Aegis of Aggramar on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Conqueror of Orgrimmar

Defeat Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar on Heroic or Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Lasers and Magnets and Drills! Oh My!

Defeat Siegecrafter Blackfuse without destroying each of the following weapons in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

The Immortal Vanguard

Defeat Galakras without having allowed a single friendly NPC to perish in battle in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Swallow Your Pride

Defeat the Sha of Pride in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher after no player has gained Pride from Manifestations of Pride while Norushen is alive.


6 years ago

None Shall Pass

Defeat the Amalgam of Corruption without allowing any unleashed corruption to fuse with it in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Power Unleashed

Unlock the new set of traits for all of your Artifacts.


6 years ago

Viciously Vintage

Collect any class armor set from PvP Season 9.


6 years ago


Defeat the Fallen Avatar in Tomb of Sargeras without breaking any floor segments in the following patterns on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Legionfall Commander

Earn Revered status with the Armies of Legionfall.


6 years ago