Last updated 5 years ago.

Mythas the Kingslayer

Wipe it up
achievements 13880

120 Night Elf Druid, Saurfang

To Kill Demons...

Slay 500 non-trivial demons in Krokuun, Mac'Aree, and the Antoran Wastes.


6 years ago

Seat of the Pantheon

Defeat the following bosses in the depths of Antorus, the Burning Throne.


6 years ago

Forbidden Descent

Defeat the following bosses in the depths of Antorus, the Burning Throne.


6 years ago

WoW's 13th Anniversary

Logged in during WoW's 13th Anniversary.


6 years ago

Mythic: Sisters of the Moon

Defeat Sisters of the Moon in Tomb of Sargeras on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Rides of War

Proud owner of the Stormwind Skychaser and Orgrimmar Interceptor from the 2017 BlizzCon.


6 years ago

Heroic: Seat of the Triumvirate

Defeat L'ura in Seat of the Triumvirate on Heroic difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Mythic: Iron Juggernaut

Defeat the Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Mythic: Galakras

Defeat Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Swallow Your Pride

Defeat the Sha of Pride in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher after no player has gained Pride from Manifestations of Pride while Norushen is alive.


6 years ago

Mythic: Sha of Pride

Defeat the Sha of Pride in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

None Shall Pass

Defeat the Amalgam of Corruption without allowing any unleashed corruption to fuse with it in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


6 years ago

Mythic: Norushen

Complete Norushen's trial in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Mythic: Fallen Protectors

Defeat the Fallen Protectors in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago

Mythic: Immerseus

Defeat Immerseus in Siege of Orgrimmar on Mythic difficulty.


6 years ago