Last updated 5 years ago.

Sunter Illidari

Obsidian Knights
achievements 11290

120 Night Elf Demon Hunter, Saurfang

Gonna Go When the Volcano Blows (25 player)

Defeat Sartharion the Onyx Guardian without getting hit by Lava Strike in 25-player mode.


5 years ago

Champion of the Frozen Wastes

Defeat the dungeon and raid bosses listed below.


5 years ago

Consumption Junction

Defeat Trollgore in Drak'Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty before Consume reaches ten stacks.


5 years ago

Volazj's Quick Demise

Defeat Herald Volazj in Ahn'kahet on Heroic Difficulty in 2 minutes or less.


5 years ago

Littlest Pet Shop

Collect 150 unique pets.


5 years ago

Mythic: Abyssal Commander Sivara

Defeat Abyssal Commander Sivara in The Eternal Palace on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago

Memories of Fel, Frost and Fire

Defeated the Chromie's Memories events during the WoW 15th Anniversary celebration.


5 years ago

WoW's 15th Anniversary

Logged in during WoW's 15th Anniversary.


5 years ago

Heroic: Fall of the Lich King (10 player)

Defeat every boss in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.


5 years ago

Bane of the Fallen King

Defeat the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.


5 years ago

Heroic: The Frostwing Halls (10 player)

Defeat the bosses of The Frostwing Halls in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.


5 years ago

Heroic: The Crimson Hall (10 player)

Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.


5 years ago

Heroic: The Plagueworks (10 player)

Defeat the bosses of The Plagueworks in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.


5 years ago

Heroic: Storming the Citadel (10 player)

Defeat the first four bosses in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player Heroic mode.


5 years ago

Mythic: Vault of the Wardens

Defeat Cordana Felsong in Vault of the Wardens on Mythic difficulty.


5 years ago