Last updated 8 years ago.


Rough Crowd
achievements 12465

100 Human Warlock, Shadowsong

Less Than Three

Defeat Wind Lord Mel'jarak without crowd-controlling more than 2 of his swarm at once on Normal or Heroic difficulty in Heart of Fear.


9 years ago

Heroic: Garalon

Defeat Garalon in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Heroic: Blade Lord Ta'yak

Defeat Blade Lord Ta'yak in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Heroic: Imperial Vizier Zor'lok

Defeat Imperial Vizier Zor'lok in Heart of Fear on Heroic difficulty.


9 years ago

Giant Dinosaur vs. Mega Snail

Open the Thrice-Locked Cage during the Thok the Bloodthirsty encounter in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher, and then allow its inhabitant to feast upon Thok's corpse once you have defeated the encounter.


9 years ago

Unlimited Potential

Transform a Corrupted Skullsplitter into a Corrupted Amalgamation and then defeat Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar on Normal difficulty or higher.


9 years ago

Master Draenor Crafter

Craft 50 Epic items with an item level of at least 600.


9 years ago

Blackwater Whiptail Angler

Catch 100 Enormous Blackwater Whiptail fish in Draenor.


9 years ago

Item Level Force

Raise 20 followers' item level to 650.


9 years ago

Trap Superstar

Place 500 Work Orders at the Barn by trapping creatures in the world.


9 years ago

Stay Awhile and Listen

Complete at least 10 of the Inn quests listed below.


9 years ago

Ready for Raiding IV

Defeat Ranjit without taking damage from any of the following abilities in Skyreach on Heroic difficulty: Spinning Blade, Windwall, Four Winds, Lens Flare.


9 years ago

Master Builder

Upgrade all the buildings on your garrison plots to level 3.


9 years ago

Chapter III: The Foundry Falls

Complete Khadgar's legendary quests within the Blackrock Foundry until the Iron Horde is on the run!


9 years ago

On a Metric Ton of Missions

Complete 1000 garrison missions.


9 years ago