Last updated 1 decade ago.


achievements 12250

100 Night Elf Druid, Twisting Nether

Earned the achievement Ahead of the Curve: Kil'jaeden for 0 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Power Unbound for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Betrayer's Rise for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Nightspire for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Royal Athenaeum for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Arcing Aqueducts for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Deceiver's Fall for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Chamber of the Avatar for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Wailing Halls for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement The Gates of Hell for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Friends In Even Higher Places for 0 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Eye of the Storm Veteran for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Untamed Beauty for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement Wear It With Pride for 10 points. 7 years ago
Earned the achievement More Like Win-dictive for 10 points. 7 years ago