Last updated 9 years ago.


achievements 24530

90 Pandaren Shaman, Zul'jin

Earned the achievement Arakkoa Outcasts for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Steamwheedle Preservation Society for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement An Awfully Big Adventure for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Chapter II: Gul'dan Strikes Back for 25 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement The Stable Master for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Garrison Architect for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Master Builder for 5 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement On a Metric Ton of Missions for 5 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Advanced Husbandry for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Master of Mounts for 5 points. 9 years ago
Completed step Get 5000 honorable kills in Draenor. of achievement Defender of Draenor. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Prove Your Strength for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Bounty Hunter for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Divide and Conquer for 10 points. 9 years ago
Earned the achievement Take Them Out for 10 points. 9 years ago