Level 25 Horde Guild, Al'Akir. 499 members
Træ has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Laaela has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Snuggel has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Minimaldps has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Papzy has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Nege has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Laumupúki has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Xylit has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Skrublo has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Arcressa has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Uldork has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Chanser has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Maridor has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Mojojuice has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Josei has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Vanessa has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Tomatsås has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Harriebalzak has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Slokajävel has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Safire has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Fencegap has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Trúbs has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Séreníty has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Mephoo has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)
Honon has joined Hero of the Horde (~6 years ago)