Last updated 5 years ago.

To The Ends Of Earth

achievements 2725

Level 25 Alliance Guild, Anachronos. 887 members

Pitou obtained Rotcrusted Voodoo Doll. 5 years ago
Ragã earned the achievement Level 120 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Lunaysol obtained Shoalbreach Pauldrons. 5 years ago
Starzyk obtained Squallshaper Mantle. 5 years ago
Magicgoat obtained Blood Warder's Moccasins. 5 years ago
Hamaya obtained Yang's Other Recurve. 5 years ago
Popitka earned the achievement Level 80 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Kielon earned the achievement Level 80 for 10 points. 5 years ago
Magicgoat obtained Dashing Bilge Rat Shoes. 5 years ago
Pitou obtained Fairweather Helm. 5 years ago

Guild Master